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Minutes of January 8, 2003

Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Board held on January 8, 2003, at 8:00 p.m., in the Town Offices.

                PRESENT:        ARNOLD COHEN, CHAIR
                                JOEL TRAN, VICE CHAIR           
                                NADINE OSTROW, CLERK
                                PETER O’CAIN, ACTING TOWN ENGINEER


I.      Meeting called to order.  The Minutes of the December 18, 2002, meeting were reviewed and accepted with corrections.






Mr. Gobbi explained that he had been at the Board meetings earlier in the year when the Board was looking at rezoning certain parcels of land within the Town.  He was interested to find out if the Board was planning to do any rezoning this year, as he had some property in mind to rezone from residential to possibly light industrial or something else.

                                                                        Administrative Assistant

Minutes of Meeting                                         Page Two                  January 8, 2003
Mr. Cohen answered that the Board was not at this time looking to rezone any parcels, but asked Mr. Gobbi what he had in mind.

Mr. Gobbi explained that several parcels on Old Post Road may be appropriate for rezoning.  The reason was that they were close to South Main Street and South Walpole Street.  The parcels are on the east side of Route 95.  Some of the street is a dirt road but most of it is paved.  The paved portion is about 24’ wide, with a right-of-way of 60’.  He wanted to run this by the Board to see if they would be interested in rezoning this as he felt it would be a good move not just for him but for the Town also.  He would be interested in rezoning it to whatever district the Board felt would be feasible in this economy.  Would the Board consider sponsoring this?

Mr. Tran said that ideally he would like to see the property used for assisted living or a nursing home.   Mr. Gobbi said that he was not sure there was a market for that type of use at this time, as these facilities have been overbuilt and are not being filled.  He was proposing more of a retail use.

Mr. Cohen said that as he sees it, it is too late to get anything in place for this Town Meeting.  This is a large concept that would require a bit of work and not something that can be easily done.  The by-law would need to be drafted and public hearings held.  He did indicate, however, that both he and probably many people in Town would like to see some commercial development in the Town.  Also, the State is giving money to the Town to come up with a Town wide plan.  Part of that planning process might include this type of rezoning.  The Board has just hired a consultant to assist it in trying to address these types of issues.  However, the process is just beginning.  If Mr. Gobbi’s time table permits, this would fit within the scope of this plan.  On the other side, Old Post Road is an historical road and there will probably be a lot of opposition to rezoning this property.  Mr. Cohen said his personal opinion would be to get some commercial development, which would at least bring some tax dollars into the Town.

Minutes of Meeting                              Page Three                          January 8, 2003

Mr. Tran said that he would be in favor of rezoning these parcels for  commercial use or some kind of assisted living or nursing home.  If it is rezoned it to some type of heavy industry, no one will back the change.  Mr. Gobbi answered that there is no market for heavy industry either.  Mr. Tran also felt that in dealing with the neighbors to this property trying to get anything passed might create controversy.  Mr. Tran further indicated that anything to do with a CSD would be of interest to the Board.  He personally felt that it would be beneficial to the Town if this property would provide housing to the elderly market right now but would not put a burden on the Town for services.

Mr. Gobbi explained that he was currently working on a 40B development in Dover but it was being marketed for the population over 65 but not age restrictive.  The facilities had only two bedrooms which will not attract large families.

Mr. Cohen suggested Mr. Gobbi might be interested in working with the Board on its EO418 project, as his rezoning would fit right in into that process.  Mr. O’Cain added that if Mr. Gobbi was considering a 40B for that property and built just rental apartments, it would be counted toward the number the Town is required to provide and that would be more favorable to the Town than just single family houses.

Mr. Tran said that the EO 418 plan would probably not be complete until some time in September.  However,  working with the consultant and the Board, something could be ready and in hand to go forward for the Spring, 2004, Town Meeting.  Mr. Gobbi indicated he would be happy to come in again and work with the Board and its consultant.
Minutes of Meeting                              Page Four                       January 8, 2003


Ms. Koval said that she wanted to share some information with the Board that she has received over the last three weeks.

One of the things she wanted the Board to be aware of was that she was requesting the Town to adopt its own action plan.  There are several bills that will be filed in the House pertaining to 40B reform that the Board may want to support.  One of the more important ones was the bill being brought by the Towns of Norton and Foxboro.  Another is a petition from Duxbury which expresses dissatisfaction with the current 40B regulation.  About 80% of the Towns replied in support of this.  They will be sending a rewrite of this bill to the Board and asked that they respond.

There were other articles Ms. Koval discussed and she indicated that it just seems to be a matter of time until the 40B regulations are changed.

Regarding the present 40B in the Town for Rattlesnake Hill, Ms. Koval explained that there is a formula for exempting the Town from having to approve the plan.  The Town totals all the land available in the Town, subtracts the percentage of wetlands and any lands that cannot be built on because the Town owns them (i.e., community center, cemeteries), multiply by 1.3 and you can come up with an acreage that is the maximum number of acreage that can be used for a 40B development in a one year period in the Town.  If there are many 40B projects proposed in one year and the build out reaches this projected number, then no further building can be done in that year.  Mr. Cohen indicated that the Town had possibly looked into this.  He thanked Ms. Koval for coming in and keeping the Board updated on these issues.

Minutes of Meeting                               Page Five                         January 8, 2003


Mr. O’Cain reported that the plans were still not corrected.  The main issue was that the applicant was showing a four-bedroom home on an undersized lot as it was in the water protection district.  

Mr. Tran suggested that Mr. O’Cain tell the applicant that the Board has looked at the preliminary plan and there are some concerns regarding the existing cesspools within the Zone 1..  The subdivision plan would be more palatable if a new septic system was put in outside of the 400’ buffer zone.

V.      There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.